The Mjejane Home Owners Association (HOA) had positive meetings with SANParks on the matter of the bridge. South African National Parks therefore reached a principled agreement. SANParks targeted the re-opening for 30 October 2020. This is certainly a massive step forward after a long arduous road. A big thank you and well done to all involved.
All the critical work are done. This include drafting bridge agreements and implementing SANParks software systems. As well as obtaining speedpoint machines as well as upgrading the link road from the bridge to the S25.
SANParks has been in consultations with its neighbouring reserves who enjoy the benefits of no-fences and free roaming game. Thus to create what has come to be known as the GLTFCA Cooperative Agreement. The Greater KNP Cooperative Agreement process is part of Kruger’s mandate. Thus the building of buffer zones around Kruger and forming a partnership “treaty” between parties that ultimately share common resources.
SANParks has undergone this mammoth task of negotiating adequate terms with all parties. At last everone now signed this final draft. All domestic KNP neighbours signed the agreement. This includes the likes of APNR (Timbavati, Klaserie), Sabi Sands, Manyaleti and so forth.
The Mjejane HOA board has confirmed Kruger National Park’s commitment to signing the Agreement. Mjejane HOA management is engaging with the operational parties in terms of re-opening the S25 link road. Also, installing software systems, setting up training and so forth to affect the operational side.
Further good news is that the pricing structure of the bridge crossing has been reviewed. As part of the process to ultimately create an affordable structure that stimulates use by owners. Thereby generating additional income for the Mjejane community.
We appreciate everyone is eager to re-utilise the bridge soonest. Therefore the Kruger National park cordially invites you. The reopening of the only private bridge over the Crocodile River into the iconic Kruger National Park.
Come and enjoy the historical opening function with Mjejane Private Game Reserve on Friday, 30 October 2020 at 16:00 at the Mjejane bridge.
Please RSVP via email for attention: Monique at before the end of today.